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Saturday, May 21, 2011

we're done !

hari2 maw nngs pun bkin pnat,,but it is the best way to go through diz pain..
aku xtaw la pa salah ku smpai d maki,d ktawakn..
knp bha ??????
apa kurang dgn aku smpai ko slalu bsms dgn pmpuan lain..
ini ka balasan utk aku hnya krana syg dgn ko..setia dgn ko..
ko taw kn aq btl2 syg ko..cinta ko..pai maw kwin uda d pkiran ku lau dgn ko..
tp apa aku dpt ?
baru aku sedar ko cuma permainkan aku..
sdih aku lau pkir smua ni..
srius bha aku dgn ko..
smpai aku ksitaw mum ku sal ko..
aku setia bha..biar bsms dgn lelaki pn xda..
aku mngaku..smpai skg aq msh syg ko..cinta ko..
tapi klu balik2 ja ko wat aq gnie..
mmg btl la apa yg aku buat..bpisah dgn ko..
sbnr'y x ble jg aku tp spt yg k0 ckp..aku yg bodoh..
jd..aku xmo jd bodoh lg...
aku betul2 kcewa..maw mmpus..
its a gud news 4 u..
now...u can hook up with another girl..
aku xda uda maw larang2 ko...
tym ta kapel..aku slalu ingtkn..jgn curg..aq syg ko..
tp ko degil..alah..bodoh jgk aq..lum tentu ko jdoh ku,aku sdh lrg2..
btw..tanx 4 everything..
its hurt but i think i can't manage...
take care ..:)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

aku broken lagi..

Ya..aq kecewa lg ..
dgn hal yg aq sndri pn x pasti  ..
knp la balik2 ja gnie..aq syg bh ko...knp mw d'wat gnie ?
gara2 pa jgk ? sim ka atau mmg ko xmo dgn aq ..
i'm speechless..u throw my stuff heartless in front of me..
because of the small things ?
what the hell ?
but, i accept it..
thanks a lot .. 
no more to post ,,
my headache is killing me now !!
i'm crying for nothing ..
p/s : imy&ily